At least two followers during the course of this 30 Day Challenge. But I don't care. I have made a promise to myself that I will complete it. Only ten days left then back to normal blogging about whatever it is I usually blog about...
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Day 20
Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future:
I'm not sure about marriage, but I plan on being with my boy for a fairly long time :)
He's on the bottom left if you were wondering... They had so much fun at Reading fest! I will join the wolf pack and go next year.
Hope you're all gravy :) I go back to college on Monday. I have done next to nothing coursework-wise. I suppose I'd better crack on.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Oh :(
So my boy's back from Reading, but according to his friends' his blackberry, wallet (including his ID etc) and some other shit were stolen. I would sympathise but I told him to take his old phone not his blackberry. But now I have no way of speaking to him :( he has no laptop and no damn phone. POOOOOOOOOPOOPOO.
My boy comes back from Reading today :D I miss him so much! I'm not even going to be seeing him, but I'll actually get to talk to him. YAAAAAAAAAAY.
Day 19
What are your nicknames and why do you have them?
Well, the list is endless, but they all link to my last name and for privacy reasons I don't want anyone to know it. Sorry guyssss!!
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Day 18
What are your plans, dreams and goals?
I have no plans. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. But I dream of being a dog for a day.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
I want
my boy back!! Monday is ages away. I have new things by the way, so expect a haul soon! HUZZAH. This is a very short and nothingy post, but I'm busy tonight so I have very little time to write very much at all. I hope you're all okay!
Still in bed.../day 17
Watching Phineas and Ferb, but I must get up, as I think I'm going to the beach today. Yayyy! :D
Now for my 30 day challenge, day 17! Someone you would want to switch lives with for a day and why:
Erm, I'm not sure really haha. Maybe I'll go for someone obvious like Lady Gaga, purely because of the fact that I'm sure her life is absolutely craazy. Or secretly really normal. Haha. Or Jason Derulo, I'd spend all day singing my name. Or maybe my boyfriend, because I don't really know anything about his family, so I'd get to see them and EVERYTHING.
Friday, 27 August 2010
I have no idea
when I'm next going to see my boy, and I miss him :( silly Reading Festival, work and college. I want him back please. I want to play Uno with him. And watch Mamma Mia with him. And spend all day snuggling up in bed with him. I would like the muddy field to give him back to me now pleeease.
I miss my Loo-wee. Because he is lovely. And playing Uno and Scrabble with anyone other than him is just wrong.
I really don't know what I'd do without him.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Day 15
Put your ipod on shuffle, what are the first ten songs that play?
1. Never Let This Go - Paramore
2. Send My Love to The Dancefloor, I'll See You in Hell - Cobra Starship
3. Helicopter - Bloc Party
4. Rich - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
5. Padriac my Prince - Bright Eyes
6. Scared of Girls - Placebo
7. Of Moons, Birds & Monsters - MGMT
8. Histrionics - The Higher
9. Drumming Song - Florence & the Machine
10. Love Has A Diameter - Biffy Clyro
I don't listen to the majority of that list, paha. I really need to delete some of my music.
Also, I can't believe I've actually managed 15 days of this challenge, the impossible has been made possible. Hurrah!
Charlottie ♥
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Reading fest please
My boy's going to Reading fest tomorrow and I really wish I was going with him! Next year.
Day 14
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Day 13
A letter to someone who has hurt you recently:
No one has hurt me recently so I shall write a letter to someone I don't like.
Dear (insert name here),
I'm going to punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the baby maker.
Kudos to those of you who got the Anchorman reference ;)
Charrrrrrlottie! ♥
Monday, 23 August 2010
Day 12
How you found out about Tumblr/Blogspot and why you made one:
Ermmm, I don't know really! Haha, I think I came across it accidentally and eventually decided to jump on the band wagon. And why did I make one? I don't know. I think it was purely so I could ramble about things that most of my friends aren't really bothered about, and also because I love reading other blogs and peering into other people's lives. That makes me sound a bit odd. Ohhh well. Plus, all you lovely bloggers are, well, lovely! I wish I could know you all in real life!!
Anyways, now I'm going to go and eat my mandatory breakfast of peanut butter on toast, accompanied by a cup of tea :)
Charlottie ♥
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Day 10
Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, excited, mad etc:
Oo-er I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this one? So I'll just list some songs I listen to when I feel those things I guess.
Happy - 80s tunes! Love'em. Jason Derulooooo, Ellie Goulding, All Time Low, Florence & The Machine, Rusko, Chase and Status, Dizzee Rascal, Train, Friendly Fires, I Blame Coco, Paramore, The Cure... The list really is endless. I listen to everything haha.
Sad :( - More 80s tunes, they always cheer me up! But again, I listen to anything, I can't really specify what I listen to exactly.
Exactly - Lady Gaga, Jason Derulooo, Black Eyed Peas, Mr Hudson... so more dancey stuff I guess haha.
Mad - Probably something loud, maybe Enter Shikari, The Prodigy, You Me At Six, Fall Out Boy... Hahaha, I'm a scene kid at heart, it would seem.
Charlottie ♥
Friday, 20 August 2010
So instead of doing coursework today I decided to waste more time and teach myself how to do a fishtail plait because they're pretty :) and then I decided to take a photo to show you my attempt, and I think it looks quite nice considering it's a first attempt. HURRAH! Add this to the list of things I'm proud of.
I didn't want to do a serious pose through fear of looking stupid, so I did this instead. I don't see how it's any better. Probably worse. I'm not sure how my mind works. Also, check out the lack/complete absence of make up, I'm getting brave. Teeheeee.
And because he is such a sweety I thought I would show you this :) My boyfriend went to Thorpe Park (a theme park, for those of you who aren't from the UK) on Wednesday and was supposed to be coming to mine to sleep Wednesday night. But his friends' car broke down at about 1am in the morning so he told me to just go to sleep because it was going to have to be towed and stuff and he wouldn't get here until 5.30am. So he slept at one of his friends' houses who he was with and came to mine at about 8.30 in the morning because he is lovelyyyy. Anyways, he got here and just conked out on my bed and I thought he looked really cute so I took a photo. It's on facebook now and according to his friends he has lost a serious amount of man points, I couldn't think why. It's not like he's cuddling a heffalump or anything...
It's okay, he loves me really.
Thank you to all of my lovely new followers!
Also, if this font looks different to the rest of the post I'm sorryyy. Blogger is being poo, not me!
Charlottie ♥
Day 09
Something you've done in the past few days that you're proud of:
Well, it's not something I've done in the past few days, it was a couple of months ago. But yesterday morning I picked up my A-Level results and I got a B, C and a C. I genuinely thought I'd failed history and was expecting a U, but I got a B in one of the units and an A in the other, so I got a high B overall :D I'M SO HAPPY.
Charlottie ♥
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Please and Thank You
If I wasn't so scared of damaging my hair I would like blonder hair please. I'd also like a perm because I don't like my straight hair. I'd also like Jimmy Eat World tickets. And I'd like to be going to Reading next week with my boy please. GAWWW.
Day 08
Your short term goals for this month and why:
1. Get all of my outstanding coursework finished so I don't fail my A2's.
2. Remember to pick up my A-Level results... This morning.
3. Enjoy the rest of summer, even if it isn't sunny. There isn't much of it left :(
4. Go to sleep earlier, because I am tired all of the time.
5. Spend less money - I don't have any.
I hope you're all gravy!
Charlottie ♥
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Day 07
A picture of something/someone who has had the biggest impact on you:
This boyyyy :) I chose this picture because I think his hair looks stupidly soft, like cat fur. Paha. I started talking to him in March last year and we clicked immediately and he's become my bestest friend in the whole wide world (apart from Hannah Banana) as well as my boyfriend. I can be myself around him completely and I feel totally comfortable with him. Mainly because he is just as retarded as I am. We like to snort. Snort like pigs that is, not snort cocaine. ANYWAYS, he makes me happy and I trust him with my life, hence the impact. The only downside is that he never pays for food. Not that he should. But an offer would be nice, y'know ;) because I'm poooooooor.
ANYWAYS, Loo-wee/Loo-wiss/Louis is the one who has had the biggest impact on me. Yaaaaaay :)
Charlottie ♥
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Day 06
Monday, 16 August 2010
Day 05
A picture of somewhere you've been to:
I took this photo last year on our Baltic cruise. It's the fountains outside the Peterhof Palace in Russia. It was amazing! I wish we had places like this in England.
Charlottie ♥
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Day 04
A habit that you wish you didn't have:
Oo-er, I'm not sure! I can't think of many habits. But I am a bit OCD, and every night before I go to bed I have to make sure all the doors are locked, actually feel the key hole just to make sure the keys aren't in there... even though I can see they're not. There is no logic in this I know, haha! And I have to check the hob is turned off along with the cooker, to make sure my dog doesn't get gassed or anything. This habit is annoying, because sometime's I'd quite like to just go to sleep. But I have to do it. I sound a bit weird now, paha, oh well!!
I hope you're all okay my lovelies!
Charlottie ♥
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Today I went out with the fam for my brother's birthday, I won't go into great detail but we got caught in the rain in the middle of nowhere and got drenched (typical English weather, eh?). By the time we got back to the car we were all a little grumpy but still up for fish and chips at the seaside :) anyways, this song came on the radio and it put me in the best mood ever, despite being freezing cold and super dooper wet, so I thought I'd share it with you :) I'll post photo's of the day soon, but now I'm going to watch a film!
I hope you're all having a lovely (rainy) summer!
Charlottie ♥
Day 03
A picture of you and your friends:
Geeeeeez, this is gonna be difficult! I'm not sure I have many group photo's of me and my buddies. I'll have to have a long hard look through all of my photo's!
Okay so I've looked, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to cheat a little and post a number of photo's as I don't actually have a group photo with all of my closest friends. Is that bad?
Okaaaay, so this is Sabrina, Helena and me. They are two of my bestie's and I love them stupid amounts :)
Hannah (the bestest bestie), me and Saundizzle/Alex, who is also a best friend of mine :)
Here you have me lurking in the background of a photo of Murty (Karl), my boyfriend's friend and my 'super-hunk' boyfriend. All dressed up for my birthday party.
And I didn't have a nice one of the three of us, so here are my two favourite people in the whole wide world. Louis and Hannah. My boyfriend and my bestest friend :)
Charlottie ♥
Friday, 13 August 2010
Day 02
The meaning behind your tumblr/blogger name.
Ermmmmm, I don't know if this is in reference to th URL or my name, so I will explain both. 'charrr-biccy' is because my middle name is Victoria, and when you shorten my first name and my second name you get Charlie Vicky. Hannah discovered that if you say 'Charlie Vicky' over and over again it sounds like choccy biccy... so yes. Paha. And Lottie-Lou is what my mum calls me! Yayyyyyyyyy. I've managed to do a whole two days :D
Charlottie ♥
Thursday, 12 August 2010
30 Day Challenge Rules
The lovely Helen from 'Helen [In Elegance]' has asked me what the rules are, so I thought I'd do a wee post to fill you all in.
Day 01: A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02: The meaning behind your tumblr/blogger name
Day 03: A picture of you and your friends
Day 04: A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 05: A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 06: Your favourite Superhero and why
Day 07: A picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
Day 08: Your short term goals for this month and why
Day 09: Something you've done in the past few days that you're proud of
Day 10: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, excited, mad etc
Day 11: Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12: How you found out about Tumblr/Blogspot and why you made one
Day 13: A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14: A picture of you and your family
Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle, what are the first ten songs that play?
Day 16: Another picture of yourself
Day 17: Someone you would want to switch lives with for a day and why
Day 18: What are your plans, dreams and goals?
Day 19: What are your nicknames and why do you have them?
Day 20: Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22: What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 23: Something you crave for a lot
Day 24: A letter to your parents
Day 25: What can be found in your bag/purse?
Day 26: What you think about your friends
Day 27: Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?
Day 28: A picture of you taken last year, and one taken recently. How have you changed?
Day 29: In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 30: Who are you?
So I decided to do this because I think it'll be quite a cool way for you to get to know me a bit better, if you'd like to, plus I think it might be fun! It'd be great if some of you guys did it too so we could all get to know each other that little bit better, without sounding too cheesy, haha!
And now you know what it is :) horray!
Charlottie ♥
Day 01
I've decided to do the 30 day challenge because I have very little to do at the moment, paha. But I stole it off my friend's tumblr so I don't know if it'll be the same as the one circulating this bloggersphere. Oh well. Here goes :)
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Hurrah! A photo of me on holiday a couple of weeks ago after a few too many cocktails.
Now onto those so called 'interesting facts', I will try my best:
1 - I am 6ft and half an inch tall
2 - I am part Dutch, Danish and German, hence the tall, blonde, blue eyed-ness.
3 - I have double jointed elbows
4 - I can do the robot
5 - I love sea food
6 - I have an amazing boyfriend, who is also my best friend. MMMMMMMMM <3
7 - I really want to learn how to skate board
8 - I used to play the flute
9 - I eat peanut butter on toast for breakfast every morning without fail
10 - I have difficulty finding trousers long enough to fit my 36 inch (inside) legs
11 - I would like Jason Derulo to sing a song, where he only sings his name
12 - The only things I can cook are cakes and pasta (macaroni and cheese nomnomnom). But that's all you really need, right?
13 - I don't know what I want to do with my life
14 - I have a very short attention span, which is why I don't know very much
15 - I like shouting and being loud.
TADA! That was fun :)
Charlottie ♥
Haul time :)
You know... the one I've been promising for weeks. I'm sure I had loads, but it's been a few weeks now, so new things no longer seem so new! I'm sure all of the things I've missed out will come to me as soon as I post this, maybe they'll get a look in next time.
Sooo, let's make a start, shall we? Sorry about the shoddy quality of my photos by the way.
I got these earrings in Joy when we were in Guernsey on holiday. I was going to get the pink feather earrings that were in Miss Selfridge a while back, but they went out of stock so when I saw these I HAD to have them. I think I prefer them to the Miss Selfridge ones as well, and they were a measly £6! We used to have a Joy in Norwich, but now it's a Disney Store, which I love equally as much, but still.
These little boxes also came from Joy, I think they were £3. I'm decorating my room at the moment and they fit in really well :)
From left to right: Urban Decay eyeshadow in Vapour; Urban Decay blush in Score, and Natural Collection bronzing pearls in Tropical Tan.
I used up all of my favourite eyeshadow by Urban Decay in Polyester Bride and I couldn't possibly live without it so I went to buy a replacement. However, as I'm sure you all know, Urban Decay have a thing for glitter, which gets all over your face and you end up looking like a glitter ball. So when I found Vapour I got a little bit excited. It's the same super dooper pigmented white as Polyester Bride, BUT WITHOUT THE STUPID GLITTER! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY. I love it :)
Then I got the blush in Score which I am now addicted to, it's a peachy pink with gold shimmer and it looks so gorgeous on. I find myself reaching for this every time I do my make up now.
And finally, I got the Natural Collection bronzing pearls. To begin with I wasn't very impressed, so I shook them a bit, and bashed them about like a child until my brush eventually picked up some colour. They were only £1.60 or something so I wasn't expecting much. They're alright, but I won't be buying them again.
Batiste dry shampoo, yaaaaaaaaay! I keep stealing my brother's (he has it for festivals) and I felt bad so I eventually bought my own. It does come with a lid, but I misplaced it after trying to capture a spider. This seems a little... wetter, than the one my brother has, I think he has the tropical one. But I wash my hair every other day and I find it gives my hair more volume and less grease on the day I don't wash it. Sometimes I even use it just after I've washed my hair to give it a little bit more lift. I love dry shampoo.
This stuff smells so good! And it really works :) I have lots of little bumps on my cheeks and they annoy me so much. But this is really helping to clear them, during the first few days of using it I got a few more spots than usual where it was cleansing my skin. I've only been using it for a week or two and my skin already looks so much better! I love this stuff. I swear it's magic.
I got this in the Topshop sale for £12 and I love it so much! I've hardly taken it off since I bought it.
I got these a while back in the Topshop sale and I really like them. But they are ridiculously short on me because my legs are so damn long. I have another pair of new shorts but they need to be ironed or they look hideous and I just can't be bothered at the moment. I'm so lazy!
I got these for £20 instead of £40 a while back in the Topshop sale. They weren't even supposed to be in the sale. I love it when that happens.
I finally got some brogues! My boyfriend picked these out and he was so proud of himself when I bought them, because apparently I never listen to his opinion when it comes to clothes. Which is true. But I really like them, they make my feet look tiny. I have size eight feet, and I'm 6 foot tall, so they actually make me look a bit out of proportion because they make my feet look ridiculously small. Teehee.
I have wanted this for so long! I have both of the Chanel Chance's and it was between this and the new Chanel Chance, which also smells gorgeous. But once again I decided to listen to my boy, he prefers this one so I got it. And it really does smell gorgeous. I love it. It was only £46 in Guernsey, instead of 50 something back in England!
I bought this on the ship and I love it so much. Obviously on the cruise ship everything is tax free, but this was crazy cheap! It's a Guess watch and I got it for £49. I saw it in Guernsey for £105 and in Norwich for £95 so I think I did pretty darn good! I've wanted a really nice watch for ages and I love this.
My wrist looks a really weird shape.
I hope you enjoyed the ol' haul, sorry it wasn't too exciting but I did promise it!
Charlottie ♥
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
To infinity, and beyooooooooooond!
Sorry about the stupid title, I couldn't think of anything, but I've seen Toy Story 3 now, so it made sense.
As promised, I am going to enlighten you as to what has happened during the time I have been absent. So, I have been on holiday with the fam! (Mother, father and my brother, Chris). We went on a cruise which took us to Amsterdam, where Dad 'accidentally' took us to the red light district which was very surreal, then Antwerp in Belgium, Vannes in Brittany, Guernsey, St Malo and Honfleur. I love cruising soooo much, we went round the Baltic last year and we got to go to Russia, Norway, Sweden and some other amazing places. And you really do get treated like a princess, so much better than in any hotel. I miss it! And the food is amazing :D Honfleur in Normandy was probably my favourite place, it was so pretty, and the people were lovely. Plus the fact that listening to dad trying to speak French was highly amusing. I also managed to get myself Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle tax free. Another great thing about cruising ;) anyway, I won't bore you with talk of exactly what we did I'll just give you a stupid amount of photo's because there were so many to choose from. Apart from the red light district. I was quite glad dad decided to be a bad father and take us there, by accident, apparently. I wasn't going to say 'YO! Take me to see the hookers!!' but I was curious, plus I didn't want to go to Amsterdam and not see it. It was so surreal, I'm pretty sure one of the women was a man too. Fun times :) Anyway, have some photos, enjoy!
My lobster! Topped with cheese if you're wondering why it's yellow :)
The ship.
OH! The formal nights are really lovely, everyone dresses up in their ball gowns. I love it so much.
So there you have my holiday. Since then I have spent most of my time with my boyfriend. We went to a party a couple a weeks ago where I managed to get a snap of my best friend, Hannah, on the toilet. Because I am a good friend.
She was absolutely jonathon'd by the time we turned up. I'm not sure how long she'd been there...
And we also went to Bella Italia for lunch, ate too much, drank a bottle of 12% Pino Grigiot between us and got a little bit drunk. And by the time we went to see Toy Story 3 we were actually a little bit hung over. Oopsie. But Toy Story 3 was so good! Eeeeeeeee. It would have been better if I was headache free though.
I've also been to the theatre to see 'Man in the Mirror' with my brother and dad, which was a Michael Jackson tribute. It was so amazing! I was worried they would try and impersonate him and fail, but they put their own twist on it which was good. Because no one can impersonate MJ without faulting him in one way or another. But it was absolutely amazing and it was great to be surrounded by so many fans of the King of Pop. I loooooooooooove him.
I can't think what else I've been doing now. I just sprayed a gnat with bug repellent to try and kill it and the smell is making my head go a bit funny. I may go and get some air in a minute.
We finished painting my room today! Now all we need to do is put all of the decorations and curtains etc in. I'm so excited about it finally being done!
GEEEEE. I would write a little bit more, but this post is already a little lenghty, and I actually think I had better stick my head out of the window for a little while. So nightnight :)
Charlottie ♥
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