Monday, 10 January 2011


I hope my crazed face didn't frighten you too much.

I have finally decided to do a post and apologise for my extended absense. Although, to be completely honest I haven't really felt like blogging recently. My granny/Granbo (taken from Ranbo ;) she was a sturdy Granny!) died just before Christmas and I was in my own little world for ages after. I just wanted to focus on spending time with family and friends rather than sitting on my laptop doing not very much at all. So that is my reason, I haven't just been lazy and slacking! But I'm okay now :)
I had a lovely Christmas, I hope you did too! My whole family came round and so did my boyfriend. I ate a copious amount of food and by the end of the day I felt sick. But it was oh so worth it. I got some lovely presents as well which I intend on sharing with you as soon as possible.
Another reason for my constant absence is the amount of work I have for college. I struggle getting my work done because I much prefer to distract myself with going out with friends and watching Come Dine With Me and Father Ted. I spent five hours writing an essay today, owwwww. That was painful. But it's done now. I have some coursework due for the end of the week and a dissertation for next week so I can't promise there'll be many posts this week. However, I do intend to whip myself into shape and blog more because I really do enjoy it, I'm just a bit lazy sometimes hahaha.

After Christmas I did the obligatory January sale shop and bought a ridiculous amount of clothes from Topshop and... no where else... I will show you them soon. I'm so pleased with my purchases! Although I do wish I had endless amounts of money. That would be super dooper. Aaaand I've got some new make-up and stuff which I hope will interest you!

Blimey, I haven't really written on my blog in aaaaaages. But this is all spurting out haha. I've been sat in silence most of today writing my essay so I guess I'm just craving for conversation. Plus the fact that I have a stupid 2 hour long general studies exam that none of my universities even accept tomorrow! I may just fall asleep and not do it, that would be clever.

OHOHOHOH! I got my offer from Lincoln which is good, but I don't really think I want to go there sooo yeah. But I have an interview at Norwich in a few weeks which I'm really hoping will go well, it's probably going to be my first choice.

ANYWAYS, if you've got this far congratulations. Pretty sure none of the above made sense.

Here's a photo of my brother, my cousin, mummy and me looking happy after a walk on the beach.
Also, my love for animal headgear is growing.

HOPE YA'LL GOOD! Speak soon chaps.
Also, follow me on twitter:!/choccybiccy1 TWEET-TWEET!


  1. LMAO, don't worry your crazy face is totally cute! ^__^
    I'm so sorry for your granny... don't be sorry and take care of you.
    I really have to do some shopping too (sales!! me like it!).

    Good luck with your studies!!!

  2. Haha, thank you! Yes, you must! I would shop every day if I could :) just need enough money...
    And thanks! Just so difficult at this time of year, all I want to do is lie around and eat, don't really feel like doing anything! xxx

  3. You are so cute! Nice to see you back to blogging :)

  4. i'm sorry for your loss, i know the feeling all too well. i'm so glad you're doing better now, tho!
